Nut. (Lower)

Part Number: W520413S441
Supersession(s): -W520413-S441; W520413-S441; W520413S438

A Nut which secures the trailer hitch receiver to the vehicle. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Intercooler pipe. A/C Compressor Nut. A/C Condenser Nut. A/C Receiver Drier Nut. Air conditioning accumulator mounting Nut. Battery Tray Nut. Engine Air Intake Resonator Nut. Nut used to attach the thermostat housing to Engine. Air CONDITIONING (A/C) Accumulator. Air CONDITIONING (A/C) Receiver Drier. Air duct. Battery Tray. Charge Air Cooler Pipe. Compressor Assembly. Condenser retainer. Dehydrator. Engine Air Intake Resonator. Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing. Intercooler Pipe. Mount bracket. Support bracket. Trailer Hitch. Included with: Accumulator, Compressor, Condenser.

Engine Air Intake Resonator NutA/C Receiver Drier NutA/C Condenser NutA/C Compressor NutBattery Tray NutA/C Accumulator NutTurbocharger Intercooler Pipe NutEngine Coolant Thermostat Housing NutTrailer Hitch Nut

This product fits 2255 vehicle variants.
Ford: 15 models, 1741 variants between 2001 and 2024.
Lincoln: 11 models, 461 variants between 2003 and 2024.
Mercury: 2 models, 53 variants between 2005 and 2011.

Your Price

$ 10.40
All Discounts: $ 2.60 (20% off)
MSRP: $ 13.00

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333 W. Grand Ave., Bensenville, IL, 60106

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