Caliper. Brake. Spring. Kit.

Part Number: FR3Z2068D
Supersession(s): FR3Z-2068-D
View FR3Z2068D Caliper. Brake. Spring. Kit.  Full-Sized Product Image

A clip which snap onto the steering knuckle abutment or Brake Caliper Bracket, used to provide a smooth channel for disc Brake pads to ride in and to reduce viBration and rattling. Disc Brake Caliper Hardware Kit. Incl.Disc Brake Pad Pin. pads retainer. support mount. Disc Abutment Clip. Disc Anti - Rattle Clip. Disc Hardware.

Disc Brake Caliper Hardware KitDisc Brake Anti-Rattle Clip

Fits GT, Mustang

Brake Pads - Repair or Replace
If your brake pads have reached their wear limit, let our technicians service the brake pads in your 2013 Lincoln MKZ with OEM parts.

Diagram Front suspension. Brake components. for your 2013 Lincoln MKZ
Required: 1
W/BREMBO. GT350 GT350R. GT350 or GT350R. GT500. W/SHELBY.
Caliper retainer kit. GT350 or GT350R. Left.W/BREMBO. Right.W/BREMBO. W/SHELBY.

Your Price

$ 160.00
All Discounts: $ 40.00 (20% off)
MSRP: $ 200.00

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OEM Ford Parts Cheap

333 W. Grand Ave., Bensenville, IL, 60106

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